Thursday, 17 February 2011

Celebratory Spaces - Project 2 - Cemetery - Space Study

I started experimenting with the different spaces which a flower can create. As I've mentioned before in the previous posts, I am looking into the organic shape of a flower as San Michele is full of natural flora which is just adorable. Here are some very abstract and very initial proposals of the chapel I am designing:

A collage

Upside down Dome Study

The upside down dome designed by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh is an incredible masterpiece which is located in San Michele, Leuven, Belgium. It is made out of chains and it represents the missing dome in the church. I made a couple of models based on this research and here is the result:

A collage

Celebratory Spaces - Project 2 - Flower Development

After making a model of a flower and studying its spaces, shapes etcetera, I've decided to move on and start exploring it in a more abstract way through bending, twisting, playing with it. I got some very beautiful models which are still 2D but they are being transfered into 3D. Here are some of the achievements:

Semi-Private Space in Venice

Venice is a semi-private space. The space between the public and the intimate is called semi-private as it is in between. To me the entire Venice is a space where you can feel both...
I made a study based on this thought...I drew plans and sections based on photographs which I've taken myself.